What We Offer for Kids
and Kid's clubs
Check out what we can do for you...
then contact Debbie to book your party event!!
Kids paint parties
in your home
in our studio
in another location (church, restaurant etc)
Your job: ​
Gather a group of 10 kids (minimum) age 8 and over and the birthday kid paints free.
Pick a design from my suggestions or suggest a theme
(Oprtional) Buy a cake or cupcakes and ice cream, plates and cutlery for the kids to enjoy after the painting is done.
My job - Everything else
Painting surface
Supplies and paint for the attendeesI teach the project
Plastic tablecloths if its at your place
Fun for all.
No need for loot bags since they take home the painting!
I can supply the food for an additional fee.
​Cost per person:
$25 for 8x10 or $30 for 11x14
Contact: keepsakesartstudio@gmail.com to arrange your party!!

Kids clubs and school or church groups
Got a Kid's group you want to plan an event for?
(Best for kids age 8 and up)
Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Scouts who need to work on badges?
Homeschool groups who want an Art class? one time or regular schedule
Church groups who need a party event?
School classrooms who want a fun event for a class?
Call Debbie to pick a project (choose here), and discuss all the details. I show up, teach the event, get it cleaned up and pack my stuff up. Not a lot of work for you!! Over 15 kids? Another adult needs to help supervise but it's super easy peasy!!
Cost: Per person $25 for 8x10 or $30 for 11x14
Includes all the supplies
Contact: keepsakesartstudio@gmail.com to work out plans for your group and book your event!!
Online parties using zoom
If your kids are spread far and wide and its hard to get together, give me a call and we'll work out the details.
I've had birthday parties during covid where the kids were spread out all over the community but they painted in their own homes all at the same time through an online classroom.
If you live close to me, I'll shop and bring you the supplies which you can distribute to your friends.
Or I can send you a list of materials you need to purchase at a local craft store or online suppliers. You purchase and then distribute to your friends.
Or for a $5 reduction each parent can find supplies near them.
I have a zoom room. I give a link to the host mom who emails it to everyone. On the day, they all set up their painting space at home and click in on their computers everywhere and paint along.
You collect the fee and e-transfer to me before the painting party.
You send a list of emails that are paid and I send the zoom link to them with any patterns and instructions before the party about set up or tech.
The cost is the same as an in-person party. The projects are kept really simple so it takes just over an hour. Parents should be available to run the technology if there are difficulties.
No limit to the number of kids.
Age is still 8 and up - younger kids need supervision and help at home.
Great for family reunion type activities, home school support group lessons.
I can record these and send a link for paid participants only.
$25 for 8x10 or $30 for 11x14
Includes all the supplies or take $5 off per person and you supply all the materials
Contact Debbie keepsakesartstudio@gmail.com to book your event and discuss details.